KJV Sermon Outlines
Four Ways To Know
We Are Trusting God
Text: Psalms 119:41-48
The difference of God’s true work in our lives is amazing.
Religious people are not very impressive to the world and are really
not very impressive to themselves.
When God does His work in our hearts then it is the greatest possible
experience we can enjoy.
Verse 41: “Let thy mercies come also unto me, O LORD, even thy
salvation, according to thy word.”
1. The first thing is to be sure “what you got is what God gives.”
Paul told us to ‘test ourselves to see if we are in the faith’. True
Salvation is:
a. God’s Gift (His mercy to us)
b. According to His Word (don’t twist God’s arm but claim His promise
to find salvation)
1) Saved on God’s terms – based on His promise
2. When you are truly saved then you have something in your life the
world needs to hear.
Verse 42: So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me:
for I trust in thy word.
3. What are your answers when the world scrutinizes your so-called
relationship with God? Emotion? Excitement? More blessings than they
Church membership? Sinless life?
a. Those people down at that church are sinners just like me. EXACTLY:
That is the whole point of the Gospel. We all have sins but the
question is where are they now?
b. I trust in Your word: Lit. I have a ‘confident expectation’ because
of your promise.
1) I know that you won’t PULL THE RUG out from under me.
2) It is to ‘attach yourself’ firmly to something for support.
3) CHAIR. (Anybody not putting all their weight down right now?) Home
after a hard day…not put all your weight into that lazy boy?
1. The Way We Wait
Verse 43: And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; for
I have hoped in thy judgments.
a. How do you wait on God? What word is in your mouth as you wait for
God’s timing? Doubt, bitterness, anger?
b. When we are truly trusting God then our faith will demonstrate
itself through our choice of words.
c. What would you have said if your were:
1) Noah pounding a nail
2) Joseph counting prison bars
3) David looking for rocks
They all inspired faith in spite of their circumstances.
d. Proper waiting brings a greater capacity for service; (School of
ISA 40: 31 “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
2. The Way We Walk
Verse 44, 45: “So shall I keep thy law continually for ever and ever.
And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.”
a. Waiting is not meant to be a time we do nothing. (Doctor’s WAITING
ROOM). b. Every moment is a preparation for the next in God’s plan.
When we don’t see the big picture then we don’t understand the small
parts. (JIGSAW)
Faith means leaving the big picture as God’s concern. My part is:
1) Continual Obedience: Lit; ‘without interruption’
3. The Way We Witness
Verse 46: “I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will
not be ashamed.”
a. Who does this verse remind you of in the Bible? Paul/ Daniel/
Nehemiah/ Joseph/ Esther.
b. Who do you see in our day like this? Willing to tell it like it is,
take a stand regardless of the cost? (Political correctness)
c. What is your testimony? What you have done? Go to church or live a
respectable life…. Or what God has done? Speak of YOUR testimonies!
4. The Way We Worship
Verse 47: “And I will delight myself in thy commandments,
which I have loved.
My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have
loved; and I will meditate in thy statutes.”
1. How long is the list of the things that you really get excited
about? Family, NFL football, favorite show, tax rebate?
a. Where is knowing God’s will on that list?
2. DELIGHT: Have an intense emotion towards.
a. I worship on the inside.
b. I worship on the outside
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