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Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

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Today's Verse

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.


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2 Tim. 2:3-4; 4:7-8

Intro: This weekend, we celebrate Memorial Day. A day first observed on May 30, 1868 to honor those who died in the Civil War. Now, on Memorial Day, we honor the memories of all those who have died in the military in the service of the United States of America. We would all do well to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedom this morning. There have been hundreds of thousands of great soldiers in this countries history. While we honor the war dead throughout America's history this morning, another great Soldier comes to my mind.

Later, in this service, we will commemorate another memorial service. We will celebrate the Lord's Supper and call to mind the death, resurrection and the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus was a good soldier! Even while we honor our war dead and our resurrected Warrior, there is another great group of soldiers that leaps into my mind today.

Let’s remember those in Christ's Army who have died on the battlefields of Faith.

One day, our lives will all be over! One day every person in this room will be just a memory to those living on this planet. When it comes time for you to leave this world, what kind of legacy will you leave behind? When people remember the kind of person you were, will they remember you as a soldier of the

The time to think about these things is now. After you are gone, it will be forever too late! As Paul neared the end of his life, he was living in a Roman prison. But, from that cell, the great Apostle took steps to ensure that he would be remembered as a good solider of the cross.

He took the time to write to young Timothy and give him the secret for becoming a good soldier. It is that thought that I would like to consider this morning as we think together about the 5 Qualities Of A Good Soldier. Perhaps this will encourage and challenge each of us to become the best soldiers that we can be for the glory of the Lord.

A. The first step is to join the army.
B. No one can be a soldier for the Lord until they first get into the army.
C. This is accomplished only through receiving Jesus as your Savior, John 3:3;
D. To refuse to follow orders is treason!
E. When we are in the Lord's Army, we have the obligation of obeying His orders even unto death!

A. Can be seen in:
1. 2:3 His Patience - Endures hardship and does not quit.
a. The good soldier realizes that there will be troubles along the way and is not detoured by them.
b. He understands that pain is often part of the Christian experience,
2. 2:4 His Priorities - Seeks to please the Commander.
a. Notice that the good soldier has no higher goal in life than pleasing His Superior.
b. The good soldier knows that anything which interferes with his performance in the military must be done away with.
3. 4:7b His Practice - Guards the truths of the faith.
a. The good soldier takes care of the things delivered unto him.
b. He is determined to do a good job, and he refuses to do anything to bring disgrace and dishonor upon his Superior.

(Ill. There are some things that the good soldier knows.
He is familiar with:
A. The Sound Of The Commanders's Voice - The way to get more familiar with the Lord's voice is to spend more time listening to it. You do this by getting in the Word. Do you know Him when He speaks?
B. With The Skill Of Using His Weapons - (Eph. 6:10-18) The good soldier knows that he is engaged in mortal warfare and he knows that the only way to succeed in the fight is to be proficient in the use of spiritual weaponry. You and I would do well to learn the art of spiritual warfare if we intend to succeed for the glory of the Lord.
C. With The Strategy Of The Enemy - (2 Cor. 11:14; 1 Pet. 5:8) The good soldier knows that the enemy is ever active and never rests. The good soldier knows that the enemy is shrewd and ever attacking, but he also knows the Lord is there to help him, Heb. 13:5. He knows that regardless of the trap, God will make a way of escape for him, 1 Cor. 10:13.

IV. HE IS A FIGHTER - 4:7 (Paul makes 3 statements in this verse that describe the good soldier. Notice:
A. He Is Determined - The good soldier does not retreat in the face of the enemy, he does not run from a fight. Instead, he stands his ground and fights the battle until the battle is over!
B. (Many Christian soldiers have dropped out of the battle! I challenge you not be among that number! (1 Tim. 1:19-20)
C. He Is Driven –
D. The good soldier realizes that the battle does not run according to his time frame. He knows that another is in charge of the duration of the battle, but the good soldier is driven to finish. The good soldier is in the battle to the finish. Are you?
E. He Is Dedicated - The good soldier dedicates himself to keeping his oath. He is determined to live for the Lord regardless of the personal cost.

V. He Is A Finisher!


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