KJV Sermon Outlines
I Can Because God
Told Me
Text: Phil. 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which
strengtheneth me."
I. I Can Do All Thing's God Tells Me To Do.
A. John Chapter 5 - The lame man at the pool of Bethesda
B. John Chapter 9 - The blind man healed
C. John Chapter 11 - The raising of Lazarus
II. Whatever God tell me to do.
A. Sunday School Teacher, officers, committee members, youth worker
B. Deacon
C. Bus Captain
D. Soul Winner
E. Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa
III. Endure Trials
A. Suffering loss
B. Sickness
C. Loneliness
IV. What Has God Told You To Do?
A. Love one another, enemies,
B. Church Member
C. Witness
Conclusion: God can!
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