Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

We only teach and preach from the King James Version.
KJV Sermon Outlines
Is There Room for
Text: Luke 2:1-7
Introduction: How much room have you given Jesus in your life? There
is room for Him if you make it for Him. There was no room for Him 2000
years ago and there is still no room for Him today.
I. No Room
A. Our Government
1. Removed Prayer
2. Removed 10 Commandments
3. Violated every moral law
4. corrupt
B. Our Schools
1. Removed Bible Reading
2. Removed Prayer
3. Removed morals - condoms
C. Our Lives
1. Watch Television instead of reading the Bible
a. time stealer
b. dictates what is acceptable
2. Sporting events takes priority over church
3. Whatever keeps people from the House of God
II. How Much Room Is There?
A. Don’t Limit God
B. Don’t Put Him in a box
C. He is not a genie in a lamp
III. Will You Give Him Room?
A. Confess and Repent
B. Church Attendance First Place
C. Prayer Life
D. Read you Bible
E. Let others see Jesus in You! - Witness
Conclusion: It is my prayer that this morning that you will make more
room for Jesus than you have ever made for him in the past. Lets move
forward for the cause of Christ in the Battle that is before us.
Illustration: Our life is filled with many things. Like a house has
many rooms. Kitchen, dinning room, living room, garage, ect.
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