Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

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Free KJV Sermon Outlines
A Father’s Love
Luke 15:11-32
I. The father gave his son freedom to choose
A. Even though the son’s actions were impulsive, the father did not
stand in the way
- The father respected his son’s independence enough to let him choose
own way - man chooses his own destiny
- The father loved in spite of his loss - God loves us, even when we
choose to reject Him
B. Everything the son had was given by the father
- The son could have not even left, had it not been for the provision
of his father – our lives, our families, our health are all God given
- The father took nothing back in spite of the son’s selfish behaviour
- God even blesses those who reject Him
- God divides the riches of his kingdom amongst us all
II. The circumstances of life bring about a
need for the Father
A. When the son’s life was at it’s lowest his need for the father was
the greatest - Our need for God is most apparent at the low points of
our life
B. The son was left with nothing, but the memory of his father’s
generosity - Reminders of God’s grace and provision are never far from
C. The father made provision for his servants - God provides for those
who faithfully serve Him.
III. A child in need yearns for the love of
his father - A broken sinner realizes His need for the love of the
A. The son could not make it on his own
B. The ways of the son’s life had led to his ruin
IV. The father eagerly sought the return of
his son
A. The father ran to his son as he saw him in the distance - God
rushes to meet us where we are
B. The father had compassion
C. The father showed love in spite of the son’s failures
D. The son was repentant - a true heartfelt repentance
V. The father wiped the slate clean
A. Even though the son had squandered the father gave him the best of
B. The redemption of the son was a time of joyous celebration - The
angels rejoice for the lost who are found.
C. The son was restored and placed back to a position of honor
VI. Not even the accuser can waiver the
father’s love
A. God’s love is stronger than all of life’s troubles
B. God always holds on to us, even when we let go
C. God’s love never fades
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